2016 Statisctics of Teenage Pregnancy In The Philippines
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Thesis of Teenage Pregancy
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Thesis of Teenage Pregancy
Thesis of Disruptive Behavior of Kids at School
The government is just like a composer who always composed songs about teenage pregnancy due to the the increasing rate in statistics. Proper parenting to teenager girls is the advocacy
of every Filipino family but due to several factors such as social,
educational, economic and environmental factors, proper parenting alone did not
Mothers have big role to make their young girls
wise enough to counter the creeping cancer of teenage pregnancy. Sexual
education must start at home and mothers must aware of this. Who will be
the one to advocate this initiatives that sex education must start at home? Filipino
culture prohibit this act because they consider this as a sensitive topic and
not helpful to teenagers to be opened by members of the family. Most of
the time mothers rely this knowledge to be provided by the time as the
teenagers learned by their own initiatives which is very disastrous to their
The None Government Organizations, Private and
Religious Sectors are making efforts to resolve the increasing cases of teenage
pregnancy in the Philippines. The Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFTS)
has a study that 14% of the girls having an age of 15 to 19 years
old in the country are pregnant.
On this decade sex has been abusively
used considering that out of 3 marriages, one has already experienced sexual
It’s sad to note that the Municipal Health Officer
in our municipality announced that having 10 children delivered, one of them is
teenager. I was thinking that certain report would not that so worst but when I
knew that through United Nation Organization findings that 24 teenagers
delivering in an hour is already so alarming in the Philippines.
What are the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy?
What are the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy?