Teenage Pregnancy - Introduction CHAPTER 1
Where to Deliver my baby, at home or in hospital?
"My mother calls me "My Baby" and soon I have a baby too at 14 years old. Oh, God!! Hu hu hu . . . " |
Chapter I
the past few decades, teenage pregnancy has become a public concern which has
generated a great deal of attention in the the social and economic consequences
of teenage pregnancy has led to a consensus opinion among policy makers and the public that teenage pregnancy and
child bearing is a significant social issue . It has been linked to an array
of other social issues, such as welfare dependency, child health and
well-being, out of wedlock births, fatherhood responsibility, child abuse and
neglect, school drop-out and workforce development.
(Torivillas, The Philippine Star, 2013).
There was a strong agreement that teenage pregnancy rate is still on the
increase and reducing the number of births by this age group remains an
important goal Scott (1981). The frequency of teenage pregnancy among the youth
is alarming and has become more or less a fact of life in many nations of the
world including Philippines. This remains both culturally deleterious and
personally destructive. Teenage pregnancy has lots of effects on Educational
Development of teenagers who are victims of this phenomenon.
Philippine government and other religious institutions are studying every angle to look for ways to
reduce untimely pregnancy among teenager. These are many factors which have
been recognized by researchers and authors as being responsible for teenage pregnancy It has been noted and well documented
that today’s teenagers face more sexual temptation than previous generations.
They seem to be more aware of sex and susceptible to the dangers of illicit
sex. Today’s society is more bombarded with sexually oriented materials in the
environment. Theteenager are more vulnerable to sexual temptations
. Health and Home, Philippines, Pregnant at 16,
p.12-13 &22).
to Eruesgbefe, (2005). “Today’s teenagers have become more sexually active and
promiscuous compared to their age mates of some thirty, forty or fifty years
ago in the Nigerian situation”. He also asserted that, “The gradual departures
from the traditions, customs and religious doctrine of the different ethnic
groups on the premise of civilization have been largely responsible for this.
Community and families must work hand in hand to shield their teenagers against
these phenomena. Increases in both health and social problems are products of
uncontrollable multiple sex partners among teenagers. Mainly because the youth
cannot control their emotional feelings, they rush into untimely sex, in the
belief that the act will be undetected.

According to Albano (2001). In the Philippines, usually in a family, this category are not taught family life education by their parents and schools because of the sensitivity of the issue, this is contrary to the wide assumption that family life education is on. In practice, however, not much of sex education is taught in every Filipino family. Existing government family planning programs have been directed principally married couples.
Maramag is still a growing community, cases of teenage pregnancy
become a big issue to the neighbors and to the whole community. The family of
the victim is in trauma discovering that their teenager was some months on her
way already. Almost everybody is blaming the pregnant teenager of the
consequences of her misdeeds.
focused their judgment to the victim but they did not bother to ask why and
what were behind of indulging sex at teens and got pregnant not at the right
Philippine government through some of its agencies like Department of Social
Welfare and Development (DSWD) and
Department of Education (DepEd), introduced some strategies to minimize the
increasing cases of pregnancy as observed after a decade in the Philippines.
Sex education is being incorporated to the subject matters in school. RH bill
could be a big help to let the teenagers know how to act about sex. Filipino
families and communities is properly informed about their responsibilities to
their youngsters with regards to
sex. While teenagers whenever they are must be reached to educate and be well
informed how to counter early pregnancy.
"People keeps looking me head to foot especially my tomb!!!??"
religious sectors are also showing concerns about the teenagers by intensifying
the activities at the church and detour
their interest while they are still young and not yet prepare to face
the consequences brought about early sex. The churches now are also don’t want
to left behind on nurturing the youths by instilling to their minds that early sex out of wed luck has
consequences and the consequences hurt more than waiting. (Health and Home
researcher of this paper hope that after the study, she can impart
important strategies and information she
gained to the community, to the teachers, school administrators, parents and to
the teenagers on how to minimize teenage pregnancy to students and
out-of-school youth in Maramag, Bukidnon.
Click below to some parts of chapter 1 of this thesis: Thesis of Teenage Pregnancy
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With regards to the Questionnaires being served to the Respondents will be found in Appendices on this link:
Appendices - Questionnaire Part 1
Appendices - Questionnaire Part 2
Appendides - Questionnaire Part 3
Appendices - Questionnaire Part 4
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