
Showing posts with the label Statistical

Disruptive Behavior of Kids Thesis - Sampling, Data Gathering and Scoring Chapter 3

THE EFFECTS OF DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR TO THE SCHOOL PERFORMANCE OF GRADE - 4 AND GRADE - 5 PUPILS IN CABANGLASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL  Research Methodology Respondents of the Study The method that used in choosing the respondents was  purposive sampling picking all the cases that meet the criterion.   The researcher  chose purposive sampling., considering that the population of respondents  was small and there were lots to consider on securing the respondents participation. Furthermore, some of the teachers qualified to be the respondents could not be reached for comments for some other reasons. The Research Instrument The researcher used the questionnaire in gathering the data to determine the correlation between the factors associated with disruptive behavior and its effects to the school performance of Grade IV and V pupils in Cabanglasan District.The questionnaire as designed by the researcher, included items from books, encyclopedia, magazines, unpublished thesis...