Local Shelter Plan - Preface

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This is the formulated Local Shelter Plan for the municipality of Titay. Once adopted by the town, it will serve as the bases of implementation of housing needs of displaced units. When it comes on providing shelter needs of these different types of income group who are consider as displaced households, this formulated local shelter plan of this municipality recommended as a guide or one of the bases of other agencies such as housing developers  and housing contractors to augment with their respective plans, since this plan is likely to be implemented by the LGU in addressing the displaced units pursuant to the Local Government Code 1991 (Republic Act 7160), and the Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 also known as Republic Act 7279.

This Local Shelter Plan sets forth a recommended course of action which may be readily implemented or halfway implemented by the LGU in minimizing hazards to life and property. While this plan has been recommended, it was understood that the plan is merely advisory in nature. This plan is not intended to replace the scope or range of judgment to be exercised by those agencies/individuals implementing the plan in a given particular circumstances.  Rather, this plan is intend to provide range of recognized guidelines which are uniform and may be implemented in half or in full depending to some circumstances.
In the final analysis, however, the success of any plan remains in the firm description and judgment of the displaced households. With this in mind that the local shelter plan offers the advisory framework within which recommend action that guides the LGU when deciding appropriate response of shelter needs. The town of Titay has displaced households that anytime will be advised for relocation as the way in the case of the occupants occupying municipal roads for widening. Effective shelter plan are dependent upon the coordination and cooperation of all the various public and private agencies that involved on it.
It is wise to presume that every income group has their specific requirements to address their shelter needs and the LGU, implementing agencies and or housing developers must to consider.
Implementing Agency must recognized this shelter plan in the town of  Titay pursuant to the Local Government Code of  1991 (Republic Act 7160) and the urban Development  and housing Act of 1992 also known as Republic Act 7279.
The Local Shelter Plan will be launched on year 2016-2025 as an instrument of humanitarian response to the displaced units in the municipality.  Displaced Households is also considered as one of the  humanitarian crisis that needs to be addressed sooner but not later, and these mostly occurred in urban and or urbanizing areas such as Titay, which is a 2nd class municipality and adjacent to a booming municipality which is Ipil, where people expert to find easier access to opportunities be it of social or economic in nature.

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